There is a very erotic scene of Carrie at home in the bathtub having some “me time” as she is having difficulty not thinking of Hood. Using the Moody brothers’ truck, Hood, Yawners and Proctor (in custody) drive back to police headquarters where his lawyer awaits. The hand is that of the late Hanson and Arno discloses that he took a smartphone video from a distance watching Proctor and his right hand man put the drug dealer through a wood chipper.

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After finding Arno he shows Hood and Deputy Yawners a hand that he has been keeping on ice as his get out of jail free card. Hood and his Deputy find Webber in what appears to be a government housing community run by the Hitler youth. Deva is called in to the precinct to help ID anyone she may remember who worked with Hanson and definitively fingers an Aryan Nation white supremacist named Arno Webber. But being a minion of Procter will make things difficult. Irate and sickened, he wants justice and for the drug dealer Hanson to be found. (Hood naturally bangs the widow later in the episode even though he killed her husband.) Waiting in Hood’s office is the now dead Reed who died at the rave and is also the state Senator. The widow of the man he shot a few episodes back gives him a stern warning that the other Moody brothers are sure to seek their revenge.

After a prolonged running Hood boxed in with no place to go, Super Suburban Mom Carrie shows up in her SUV with driving skills like Steve McQueen and makes for a clean getaway. What follows is an excellent foot chase scene and a very cool use of the Steadicam. When Carrie beeps in, Hood takes the call and asks her to pick him up as Job finally hacks his way to an exit for the Sheriff. Job is owed money by Hood but still manages to use his skills on the computer. Immediately Hood calls Job (Hoon Lee), his computer whiz Asian transvestite from the good old days. At first I thought this was a flashback scene because why would Hood, already impersonating an officer of the law want to jeopardize anything by going on a score by himself. He runs as fast as he can, but both sides of the hall close and he is boxed in.

Cut to Hood in the middle of a hallway in a museum in Harrisburg, PA with a case around his torso carrying a stolen painting (like Nicolas Cage with the Declaration of Independence in National Treasure) and the alarms blaring. husband and the man she let take the fall for her is eating away at her. Carrie is clearly having a hard time focusing between the sheets with her husband because clearly she is conflicted about Hood being back on the scene. Naturally, the opening is a sex scene between Carrie and her husband Gordon, the District Attorney. But I am starting to feel the buildup of what they are going for in Banshee from a gestalt point of view.

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Banshee is definitely one of those series that takes some getting used to as far as checking your reality meter at the door the same way you have to on some new series. The show seems to have found its stride and is staying with the heavy violence and nudity that is its hallmark. After the first time entering phase 2, the Banshee will start filling the center path with poisonous gas during her first phase, necessitating a retreat to the arena outskirts during this time.After last week’s terrific episode that made me dig this new Cinemax series, Banshee returns this week with a little more backstory. They also drop ammo and health potions when slain, so strategic use of them will greatly aid in this fight. Keeping a few of her minions alive can be handy for reviving in Save Your Soul Mode. Players should be wary of the Banshee's minions, as they bounce the player into the air when touched and can mess up the player's timing and ability to dodge the scream attacks. Crouch to avoid the high attacks and jump over the low attacks to avoid damage during this phase. Players can watch the objects floating around her to see which attack she'll make next, as they rise above her head for high attacks and lower close to the ground for low attacks. After charging, the Banshee will unleash horizontal scream attacks that fly down the center path, alternating randomly between high and low attacks. During this time a poisonous fog will enshroud the edges of the arena, forcing players into the center path, and her skull minions will start respawning. In her second attack phase, she flies to the far end of the arena and begins gathering energy for a scream.